Thursday 9 September 2010


I went to the Missread publishing fair on the weekend, at the Kunst-Werke Institute. It took ages and ages to look around all of the tables which were packed full of nice printy books and zines. I wanted to take it all home. There were some really interesting speakers including Half Letterpress and Zak Kyes who talked amongst other topics, about the successes of small publishing despite the challenges facing the future of print. An inspiring Saturday...

Loanwords Poster Project

Some pictures of a little project based on the idea of German 'loanwords' — originally German words which have been adopted into common usage in the English language. Scouring the internet for interesting contexts that the words had been used within quotations, phrases or newspaper articles, just for fun I created these series of typographic posters and pasted them up around Berlin.



Saturday 4 September 2010

Spreepark, Plänterwald

The Spreepark was closed in 2002, after running into enormous debts (and the owner was also since imprisoned for smuggling cocaine). Since then, most of the attractions still stand but with no upkeep, nature has engulfed the park, which is out of bounds to the public (albeit being secured by a very ricky metal fence, which is pretty easy to climb over).

Despite a 5am start, breaking into the abandoned theme park was completely worth it. The photos probably don't do it justice as we had to move quite quickly through fear of being caught by the guards, but it was such an eerily beautifully place, something almost post-apocalypic about the atmosphere.

We visited the park between 6- 7am on a weekday morning — although there are no guarantees if you are going then this seems like a pretty good time as it was quiet on the perimeter so no one saw us climb the fence and if there were guards on duty then they must have still been half asleep because we were there for about 40 minutes without hearing a peep.